Bloom Where You Are Planted

May 21, 2022

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Here in Boston, we’re enjoying the fruits of all of the earlier April showers: plenty of May flowers. Things are in bloom all around my neighborhood, and that has me thinking about how we as people bloom, too. 

One funny thing about plants is that they all require different conditions. Lilies can be stubborn about blossoming without receiving an exact amount of water, plenty of sunlight, and the perfect type of soil, and yet wildflowers sprout up in parking lots. Every flower has conditions that it prefers, but those that can bloom beautifully even when those conditions aren’t met are going to grow much more successfully. 

I think the same can be said about you and I. Your body has a preferred nutritional intake, amount of hours spent moving each day, and time spent resting. But on days where we just can’t get to the gym for our scheduled workout or don’t have time for the healthy but lengthy recipe we found on Pinterest, we’re going to bloom more successfully if we have a Plan B. 

You’ve probably heard it said that we should bloom where we are planted, and to some extent, that is true. However, we have something working in our favor that plants just don’t have: we can always move on if we don’t like where we’re planted. 

We shouldn’t be afraid to shake things up and move to Plan B if where we’re planted just isn’t working out as planned. 

I have a home office that I love to work out of. Recently, however, I realized I needed a big, clear space where I could really focus on my work. I could have reworked my home setup to make it into what I needed, but I also wasn’t scared to move to Plan B. I packed my gear and headed to my local library which already had these work spaces readily available, so I was able to save myself some time and energy by switching things up. 

Your whole life can follow this same principle. If something isn’t working as you would like, there’s no reason to throw up your hands in defeat. Take an assessment of your current situation, and make changes if you don’t like what you see!

If you’re ready to change things up and make a real difference in your health, I am ready to help you make progress towards where you want to be. Drop a comment down below and let me know that you’re ready–I would love to work together to make a plan just for you!

Just for fun, what’s your favorite type of flower? Let me know in the comments!

If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!