Because I Said I Would

April 24, 2022

Because I Said I Would

Does your to-do list seem to get longer and longer some days? I know we all have good intentions to take walks throughout the day, cook healthy meals, hit the gym, and practice self-care…but when that to-do list starts piling up, the first things we cut are the things we do for ourselves. 

When I have a lot on my plate or just don’t feel like keeping to my plans, I motivate myself to stick to my commitment by remembering the reason why I need to do it: because I said I would. 

Of course, we don’t have to do 100% of our to-do lists every day, so if you need a break, that’s okay. But at the same time, we can’t put our goals for ourselves on hold all the time because we’re busy with tasks we’ve deemed more important. We uphold our commitments to others because we’ve given them our word we would do something, and we should treat the promises we make to ourselves with the same level of commitment. 

I have a goal for myself to reach 8,000 steps every day, but unfortunately, some spring days in Boston haven’t been as warm as I would like. However, even on those chilly days when I’d rather be inside away from the wind, I bundle up and stick to my commitment to getting those 8,000 steps. I do it even when I’m not really feeling it because I told myself I would. 

Some days we stick to our healthy journey because we love it and we feel great doing it. Some days, we do it simply because we said we would. 

If you have any questions about speed bumps in your health journey that you could use assistance on, I would love to help you navigate those bumps you hit along the way. 

Leave a comment down below and let me know what spots in your health journey could use a little help! 

If you need some inspiration for healthy living, please join me in my Facebook group Never Diet Again for a great community filled with great discussion!