Balancing Act

July 24, 2023

Balancing Act

Balancing Act.

Life can really throw us off balance sometimes, right?

Last week, I was floating on cloud nine after a dreamy vacation in Italy – enjoying the sights, savoring the flavors, and finding my inner zen. But this week, I'm buckled up at a conference, and let me tell you, balance has gone MIA! 

Early mornings, back-to-back sessions, late-night networking, and group dinners that are fun, but seem never-ending – it's been a whirlwind of chaos. So, how am I navigating through this wild ride? Let's dive deeper into the journey!

First things first, despite the crazy schedule, I've made it a point to steal some precious moments for myself. Sneaking off for a peaceful, solo dinner was one secret escape – a moment to catch my breath and reflect. And you know what? It worked like magic! It reminded me of the importance of taking a pause when life is rushing full-speed ahead.

I have embraced every opportunity to keep moving. I might not be lounging in the mountains like I was in Italy, but I am walking back and forth between conference venues. It's not quite the picturesque view of the Amalfi Coast, but hey, I'm getting my steps in! And, as a bonus, I get some time to myself without the whole group vibe.

Oh, and the hotel gym – my savior in this quest to regain balance. I've managed to sneak in a couple of workouts, and let me tell you, it's an excellent way to release stress and rejuvenate. You probably already knew sweating it out amidst a busy schedule could be so invigorating, but it’s worth repeating, right?

But let's get real for a moment – the food situation here has been a mixed bag. With all the socializing and tempting treats around, staying perfectly on track isn't always possible. Yes, I've indulged a bit, savored some delectable dishes, and maybe had an extra dessert. But guess what? I'm okay with that! 

Life isn't about restriction and perfection; it's about embracing the moments, the experiences, and the joys that come with them.

So, here's a gentle reminder for all of us: don't beat yourself up over these occasional imbalances. We're human, and life throws curveballs at us sometimes. It's okay to have weeks like this; it's all part of the grand adventure.

Now, here's the exciting part – I already have my mindset in place to get back to my usual good-for-my-body-and-soul habits as soon as I'm back home, and I'm not waiting until then. I'm starting right away, chipping away at it bit by bit throughout this busy week. Because that's the key, understanding the situation and taking small steps to restore balance in the midst of chaos.

And you know what the best part is? Once this wild ride is over, and I'm back to my familiar routine, I'll appreciate the balance and normalcy even more. There's something about life's crazy moments that make us cherish the calmer times.

Let's not let the ups and downs of life weigh us down with guilt or stress. Embrace the chaos, relish the moments of imbalance, and make it a priority to find your center again when the time is right. Because after all, life is about feeling good – from the inside out.