Back to Basics: A Good Night's Sleep

September 24, 2024

Back to Basics: A Good Night's Sleep

Let’s talk about something that’s essential for all of us: sleep. 

We all know how important it is to recharge our bodies and minds, but what happens if a good night’s sleep doesn’t come easily?

If you’re one of those lucky individuals who can drift off effortlessly and wake up refreshed every night, more power to you! But for most people I talk to, sleep can be elusive, whether it’s an ongoing struggle or just occasional rough patches.

So, let’s get back to basics with some simple strategies that can help you get the restful sleep you deserve. These tips are great for personal use and perfect to share with clients if you’re in the health and wellness space.

1. Create a Bedtime Routine

First things first, prepare yourself for sleep! If you’re the type to squeeze in one more episode of your favorite show and then rush off to bed, expecting to fall asleep instantly—you’re setting yourself up for frustration. Your brain and body need time to wind down.

Just like a solid morning routine sets you up for the day, a calming nighttime routine helps you transition into sleep. Here’s how to get started:


  • Unplug from Screens: Leave some space between screen time and bedtime. Whether it’s TV, your phone, or the computer, give your brain a break from the blue light. It can mess with your natural sleep cycle.

  • Gentle Activities: Engage in relaxing activities like light yoga, stretching, meditation, or reading. These can signal to your body that it’s time to wind down.

For me, listening to a 10-minute meditation before bed has been a game changer. I often don’t even make it to the end before I’m asleep!

2. Plan Ahead to Prevent Late-Night Worries

Nothing ruins sleep faster than lying in bed, wide awake, thinking about all the things you forgot to do. That’s why I plan out my next day before I even think about sleep.

  • Prep the Night Before: Lay out your clothes, make sure your breakfast foods are ready, and write down any important tasks or events for the next day. This clears your mind so you’re not jolted awake at 3 AM thinking, Did I forget something?

3. Set the Stage for Sleep

The environment you sleep in plays a huge role in how well you rest. 

Here are a few things to consider:

  • Temperature: Find a temperature that works for you. I like to keep it cool so I can snuggle under blankets, but the key is finding what makes you feel most comfortable.

  • Lighting: Make sure your room is dark enough for uninterrupted sleep. If you have a TV or gadgets with glowing screens, turn them off or cover them up. Consider using blackout curtains to block out early morning sunlight if it disrupts your sleep. An eye mask is another good option.

  • Sound & Comfort: Some people find a weighted blanket helps them relax, while others like total silence or gentle white noise. Play around with what works for you.

4. Wind Down Physically and Mentally

A few minutes of stretching or light physical movement can help release tension. Afterward, spend a few moments relaxing with a book or your favorite music to signal to your brain it’s time to slow down.

When I do my nighttime routine—planning my day, brushing my teeth, washing my face, a bit of stretching, reading, and then meditation—I’m usually so relaxed by the time I hit the pillow that sleep comes naturally.

It’s easy to overlook the basics, but these simple steps can make a huge difference in the quality of your sleep. And remember, if you’ve had a rough patch, don’t expect to jump back into perfect sleep right away. Take it one step at a time and listen to what your body needs.

I hope these tips help you (or your clients) get that much-needed rest!