Back to Basics: A Simple Guide to Finding Balance Through Nutrition

September 10, 2024

Back to Basics: A Simple Guide to Finding Balance Through Nutrition

This time of year can feel a little out of control, right? Whether you have kids that just started school or you're working with clients whose routines have shifted, everything can feel a bit unsettled. I’ve been hearing this from so many people lately, and it’s totally normal. And when life feels chaotic, it’s the perfect time to get back to basics, especially with your food.

Why focus on food? Because it’s the foundation of your health. Balanced nutrition helps keep your blood sugar stable, your gut healthy, and your mind clear. And, let’s be honest—who can think straight when they’re either starving or stuffed? So, here are three simple steps to get back on track with your eating habits, whether you’re doing this for yourself or coaching your clients through the process.

1. Chew Your Food

Sounds obvious, right? But hear me out. Digestion starts in your mouth, and when you don’t chew properly, it forces the rest of your digestive system to work overtime. This can leave you feeling bloated, sluggish, or foggy. So, slow down and really chew your food to give your body a head start in processing it.

2. Balance Your Plate

When building your meals, aim for a balance of protein, fats, and carbs. Why? Because it keeps your blood sugar stable and ensures you’re satisfied between meals. Ever had a big bowl of ice cream and thought, “That’s it, I’m full!” only to be hungry again an hour later? That’s because the carbs in the ice cream digest quickly, leaving you without the slower-digesting protein to keep you feeling full and energized. Next time, try incorporating a source of protein and healthy fat along with your carbs for a more balanced meal.

3. Quality Matters

What are you putting into your body? Take a moment to consider the quality of the food on your plate. A simple way to check? Ask yourself, “Would I feed this to my toddler?” While it’s fun to indulge in intentional treats, your everyday meals need to be packed with nutrients that fuel your body and mind. After all, just like you’d want the best for your child, you deserve the same care.

Ready to Take It Further?

Getting back to basics doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Small, mindful changes can make a big impact, helping you create lasting, healthy habits that fit seamlessly into your life.

Remember, it’s not about perfection—it’s about progress. Start with these three basics, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll feel the difference. You’ve got this!