Afraid to enjoy your food? Don’t be.

March 20, 2023

Afraid to enjoy your food? Don’t be.

Afraid to enjoy your food? Don’t be. Here’s why…


I meet so many women who feel like if they're enjoying their food, it can't be healthy for them. 


Let me be the first to tell you that is so far from the truth. I feel terrible for people who have been brought up in an environment where they think that delicious food must be unhealthy.


Take a look at some of the photos I've been posting on Instagram. All of them are delicious. They are all balanced in terms of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Not perfectly because I am not home and I am not cooking them but overall they are good. And isn’t that what it should really be about? Not perfection, but being mindful about how we feed our bodies, and also enjoying the food we eat.


 As the travel season approaches, here are some tips for traveling. Spring break is here, summer is coming, and I want you to make the most of your vacations.


So here are a couple of tips to follow when you are traveling:


1. Know what suits your system and what doesn’t

We're all unique individuals. We all have different situations and different bodies, and you know, you may find that dairy irritates you. As for me, I'm fine with dairy but gluten, not so much. I keep gluten to a minimum, and that works for me. Some people can’t have gluten or dairy at all. I've worked with clients over the years who have allergies to strawberries and kiwis, or melons; and can’t eat eggs and so many different things.

It's not weird if there are foods that bother your stomach. Rather than look at it as a problem, try your best to avoid them. All you need to do is find out what suits you, and then have more of those when you travel. Don't be afraid to ask people about the ingredients. Although language barriers can be a challenge, most people are happy to make the effort to communicate and I’ve found that Google Translate can be very helpful in the moment.


2. Be creative, take a deep breath and jump in. 

I ordered “eel and green” sauce when I was just in Belgium, which turned out to be a chimichurri sauce, and it was delicious. So when you go to new places give some new foods a try. The worst that happens is that you put it aside and order something else.


3. Ditch the guilt.

No matter what happens, no matter how you balance your meals or how you don't balance your meals, it is a moment in time. It won't last forever, and you'll get back to your plan, and things will be fine. 


I hope that you enjoy and try some of those tips next time you venture out.

If you want to enjoy some fun cuisines and wine pairings from the comfort of your own kitchen, grab my perfect pairings guide. You’re welcome to join my group too!