Barbie and the Message of Self-Care: A Parent's Perspective

August 22, 2023

Barbie and the Message of Self-Care: A Parent's Perspective

Barbie and the Message of Self-Care: A Parent's Perspective

My kiddo is heading off to college in just a few weeks, and when he asked if I wanted to watch the Barbie movie with him, I jumped at the chance. After all, quality time with our kids is precious, and I'm all for making memories while I can. And let me tell you, that movie was every bit as enjoyable as the hype suggests; I was absolutely thrilled to be there.

But there was one moment in the movie that left me pondering long after the credits rolled. It was towards the end when the creator of Barbie, Ruth, uttered the words, “We women stand still so that our daughters can look back and see how far they've come.” 

My immediate reaction? A resounding, "Um, no, that's not quite it."

You see, my philosophy is rooted in continuous growth and progress. I firmly believe that we shouldn't put our own well-being and personal development on hold for someone else to move forward and reflect upon their progress. Instead, I advocate for all of us – regardless of gender – to keep evolving, growing, and moving forward, continuously.


In my world, learning never stops, and improvement is a way of life. 

Every day, I guide my clients on the path of continuous improvement in their nutrition, movement, and self-care. I encourage you all to ponder this perspective for a moment. I'm a firm believer in setting a positive example for our children. I hope that my legacy will be one of health, wellness, and a commitment to self-care. 

Instead of stepping back so our kids can forge ahead, I suggest we walk right beside them, sometimes guiding the way, sometimes following their lead, all the while making sure we are modeling healthy choices, and ongoing personal growth.

As I've continued to reflect on this, I can't help but think about the powerful message it sends to young people aspiring to become parents someday. 

Should they really be taught to stand still for their children? 

My answer is a resounding no. 

I want to be healthy, I want to take care of myself, and I want to be there for my son and future grandkids (should he have some) because I am vibrant, strong, and alive. That's the legacy I strive to leave behind.

What legacy do you wish to leave behind? I encourage you to have a think about it.

As always I wish for each and every one of you to have a life filled with love, joy, self-care, and the pursuit of happiness.