A Feast Without the Fallout: Dawn's Top Three Tips for a Feel-Good Holiday

November 21, 2023

A Feast Without the Fallout: Dawn's Top Three Tips for a Feel-Good Holiday

Let's set the scene: It's the day after a big holiday feast—Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Friendsgiving, you name it. 


Now, what if I told you that the post-feast bloat and fatigue you usually have doesn’t have to be the norm?


Here are my top three tips to make your next holiday feast a delight without the guilt trip.


Tip 1: Seconds, please!

I know, I know. You're probably thinking, "Wait a minute, Dawn, aren't you supposed to be guiding us toward health?" Absolutely! And that's why I say, it's okay to have seconds. Here's the scoop—your body needs regular fuel, and I teach the art of balanced eating every three to four hours. So, during your feast, enjoy a reasonable first serving with a mix of proteins, fats, and carbs. No deprivation, just a satisfying, balanced plate. Why? Because you'll be back for more in a few hours, keeping things stable, joyful, and inflammation-free.


Tip 2: Hydration

If you’ve seen any of my content before, you know how important hydration is. Why? Well, first off, it keeps your digestive system running smoothly—crucial on a feast day.

Second, often what we think is hunger is actually thirst. Stay hydrated, and you'll know when you're truly hungry. And lastly, it's a secret to fabulous skin in the long run. So, keep that water bottle handy!

Tip 3: Move, Groove, and Avoid the Food Coma

Don't spend the whole day sitting! Sure, crossword puzzles are great, but mix in some active family fun. Throw a football, toss a frisbee, or take a leisurely walk—make it a new tradition. Why? First, you'll be less tempted to mindlessly munch, making sensible choices easier. Second, moving keeps that metabolism humming, exactly what you want.

Remember, no diets, no deprivation. Eat all your favorites, keep the good vibes flowing, and set yourself up for a healthy and joyous holiday season.